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What Must I Do To Be Saved? - Blackwell

MP4 Video - by World Video Bible School (WVBS)

Don Blackwell, in a single magnificently well-done presentation, answers the question, "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" which was first asked by "The Philippian Jailer" in Acts 16:30 and answered by the apostle Paul in the following two verses. Paul's sermon resulted in the baptism of that Roman official and everyone else who had assembled in his home to hear Paul's message in Acts 16. Collecting passages found there and in eight other conversion stories in the New Testament, Don arranges all the things human beings "must do to be saved" into a single 30 minute presentation complete with charts to illustrate the fullness of the Bible's answer. 

I (Larry Haverstock) have purchased and distributed several HUNDRED of the original DVDs of Don's lesson over the course of ten years now and heartily recommend it as the single simplest, clearest, comprehensive, and effective presentation on this topic I've ever seen. Thank you, Don Blackwell, for the time and work to prepare, the outstanding presentation, and the permission to offer this lesson here for Truth On Disc users. In my opinion, there is just no better contemporary answer to the all-important question, "What Must I Do To Be Saved" available on this planet today.

Additionally, subsequent to Don's devastating accident in May of 2019 he preached two lessons from his wheelchair which are also included here. The first, entitled "The Frailty of Life" was preached only 3 months after losing the use of his legs. "Magnify His Name in Hard Times" is the two years later update. Both of these sermons are extremely powerful and encouraging.

Click for More
  What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Spoken)
  What Must I Do To Be Saved? (with Sign Language)
  The Frailty of Life
  Magnify His Name