VIDEO - Las Vegas, Nevada, 1990
A formal debate between Jack Freeman and Ron Halbrook held in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the 15th and 16th January nights of 1990 (1st Proposition below) and then likewise on January 18th & 19th for the second proposition.
PLEASE NOTE: While many preachers (not so much the saints) have an imperious and censorious "I'm infallibly correct, therefore my way or the highway" attitude on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage, I, Larry Haverstock (sole proprietor and decision maker for this website) have instead chosen to respect every Christian's right to study for themselves. Ergo, there is a small but representative handful of differing viewpoints to be found on this site, only two of which were presented in this particular debate. For other very different (but also widely held) perspectives (Click Here).
1st & 2nd NIGHTS - PROPOSITION #1: The Scriptures teach that two people joined by God in marriage are bound for life, the only exception being that an innocent partner may put away a mate guilty of fornication and remarry."
Ron Halbrook Affirms
Jack Freeman Denies
3rd & 4th NIGHTS - PROPOSITION #2: "The Scriptures teach that a person who is divorced by his mate for committing fornication is free to marry another."
Jack Freeman Affirms
Ron Halbrook Denies