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Don Patton

Don began his college education at Florida College studying Bible, then spent two years each at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN, and Purdue University studying Geology, followed by two years studying both Geology and Education at Pacific School of Graduate Studies in Melbourne, Australia. He received his Ph. D. in Education in 1993.

A member of the Geological Society of America, he spoke at their 1997 annual convention. Don is also a member of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, the National Speleological Society, and an Honored Member of both Strathmore's and the International "Who's Who." Currently, he is Chairman of Metroplex Institute of Origin Science, a Consulting Geologist and Partner in the Mazada Corp. of Dallas, Texas, and Staff Geologist for the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas.

Don has worked as a Geologist in the U. S., Canada, Australia, England, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, and  in Israel where he assisted with excavations in Jerusalem (Pool of Siloam, 2004-08; Tower of Siloam, 2005-06, Palace of David, 2007-08) as well as participating in the Altar of Joshua excavations at Mt. Ebal under Adam Zertal (University of Haifa). He was also a geological consultant for the Qumran Plateau Excavation (where "The Dead Sea Scrolls" were discovered). The longest dinosaur trail in North America was uncovered by Don in the Paluxy River of Glen Rose, Texas. He has been involved in other dinosaur excavations in Canada, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Texas. His photo shows him at work uncovering a stegasaurus in Colorado.

Three times Don has testified before the Texas State Textbook Committee in Austin, Texas. He has lectured at ten Universities and two colleges including Texas A & M, the Universities of Central Arkansas, Souuthwestern Missouri, Louisiana State, and Florida College. All together he has conducted about 250 Creation/Evolution Seminars in the last 25 years and participated in numerous debates, some broadcast on radio and television.

Classes taught by Don Patton